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Quantum Computing : Unveiling the Power of Quantum Mechanics in Information Processing

Jan 08, 2024

Explore the revolutionary realm of quantum computing, where the principles of quantum mechanics are harnessed to perform complex computations at unprecedented speeds. This article delves into the basics of quantum computing, its potential applications, and the challenges that lie ahead in harnessing its full capabilities.

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Posted under: Software Technology
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How Does a Mobile Phone Work? A Layman's Guide to Understand the Mobile Technology

Oct 09, 2023

Discover the magic behind your mobile phone's functionality! In this easy-to-understand guide, we break down the inner workings of mobile technology, from making calls to sending texts and browsing the web

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Posted under: Engineering
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Einstein's Theory of Relativity: Unraveling the Secrets of the Universe

Sep 28, 2023

Explore the fascinating world of Einstein's Theory of Relativity, simplified for everyone. Discover how this groundbreaking theory transformed our understanding of the cosmos and find out about its real-world applications in this engaging article.

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Posted under: Mathematics Research Science Space Technology
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What are Personality Disorders? A Layman's Guide

Sep 16, 2023

Personality disorders can be confusing, but they affect many people. In this layman's guide, we break down what personality disorders are, the different types, their causes, and how they can be managed. Dive into this informative article to gain a better understanding.

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Posted under: Mental Health
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Drones to monitor the traffic of vehicles

Sep 11, 2023

These days traffic of vehicles has become a hard nut crush. It has become a herculean task for the police, public and government. We can use drones in monitoring the traffic. They can roam on the roads with in built cameras and send the live videos/images to the monitoring stations. There the police can take appropriate steps immediately to diffuse the traffic.

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Aditya-L1: India's Bold Mission to Uncover the Mysteries of the Sun

Sep 04, 2023

India's Aditya-L1 mission, a groundbreaking venture by the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), is poised to revolutionize our understanding of the sun. With a focus on studying the Sun's outermost layer, this mission promises to unlock the secrets of solar activity and its impact on Earth. In this article, we explore the significance, objectives, and potential discoveries of Aditya-L1, India's ambitious quest to unravel the enigma of our closest star.

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Posted under: Space Technology
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How do we launch space vehicles into space?

Aug 23, 2023

Chandraya - 3 is about to foot on the moon. It is very much interesting to know how the space vehicles are launched into space. This brief article explains how the space vehicles are sent into space to explore other planets, etc.

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Posted under: Space Technology
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Evolution of Human on Earth is contrast to the Darwin's Theory of Evolution

Aug 15, 2023

Human evolution on earth is not the part of the evolution of living organisms on earth explained by Darwin. There are many examples that support that, human is the hybrid organism of the living organisms on the earth and aliens. This video is a scientific logical explanation of for this fact.

1282 Views    1 Likes     2 Comments
Posted under: Education Human Civilization Indian Culture Religion
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The fundamental cycle of Economics (PDCW)

Feb 19, 2023

In a nutshell, Economics deals with the cycle of Production of goods and services, distribution of them, consumption of them and as a result generating wealth (PDCW). The generated wealth fuels this cycle to keep it going smoothly. Any activity that takes place in any one or more of these stages, either directly or indirectly, is called Economic Activity. All the other terms/concepts/phenomena in economics are derived and defined from this cycle and walk around this cycle.. The smooth running or hard running or break down or acceleration or deceleration, etc of this cycle decides the economic growth.

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Posted under: Economy
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The challenges in designing hypersonic missiles

Sep 26, 2022

There is an arms race among developing and developed countries. Some developed hypersonic missiles and some are struggling to join that race. It is interesting to know what are challenges that one has to face in developing hypersonic missiles. This article briefly explains about those challenges.

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Posted under: Space Technology
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How Indian gooseberry (Amla) is a boon for human health

Sep 07, 2022

Indian gooseberry which is popularly known as Amla, is a pack of many vitamins and minerals. It not only fights with free radicals but also adds nutrition to the human body. It boosts up liver thereby the whole digestive system and make the body healthy.

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Posted under: Health and Hiegene
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Is crypto currency a friend or a foe to the global economies?

Aug 13, 2022

Crypto currency is a digital/virtual currency which serves the same purpose of physical currency. These coins are encrypted digital files. This wouldn't be in the control of any state since its dynamics is purely driven by objective market forces of demand and supply. So its dynamics can not be molded to favour the interests of humans there by to support their economic systems. So it is not in the favour of humans.

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Posted under: Economy
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Is Arthritis curable?

Mar 07, 2022

Arthritis/Joint pains is handicapping the major portion of Indian population ahead of even Diabetes, Blood Pressure, etc. For this according to the German Doctors, Indian doctors are solely responsible. Indian doctors are treating this disease unscientifically, only for making money. Their thirst for money is not letting them give a right treatment. This article is flasing light on the views of German doctors on the treatment of Indian Doctors for Arthritis/Joint pains.

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#ShriNarendraModijee, I request you to listen to me for win-win situation to India, Ukraine, Russia and rest of the world.

Mar 07, 2022

The war between Ukraine and Russia is disastrous to both the countries and rest of the world, in all spheres. Stopping the war is in the favour of the entire humanity. The honourable Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi jee only has the ability to do so. This will help India, Russia, Ukraine and rest of the world and will establish new world order. This article describes how it is possible and I request the honourable Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi jee to act as above.

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Does human body vibrate? Yes, it does.

Oct 13, 2021

As every thing in this universe vibrates so the human body. Every organ of human body vibrates and has a particular frequency. The total sum of all these frequencies will decide the human body frequency. Higher frequency of the body indicates good health. There are many ways to higher the frequency of the human body and improve the health condition.

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Posted under: Medicine & Surgery
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How stress can be a friend, not a foe?

Oct 03, 2021

Stress is always considered to be a foe. But if you wait for a while and think, it can be a friend also. This can enhance one's performance.and quality of life.

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Anxiety, My Dear Friend!

Sep 26, 2021

Anxiety is no doubt a mental disorder. There are many modes of treatments in the world for anxiety. But to the maximum extent, it is not cured. But it can be managed to make it a friend, improve our quality of life and achieve many things in our life.

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Posted under: Health and Hiegene
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What is Homeopathy?

Jun 01, 2021

Homeopathy treatment is considered to be a safe and natural way of curing the diseases. It works on the principle of law of similars that means like cures like.

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Posted under: Medicine & Surgery
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How the present global economies are not scientific and welfare in nature..

Jun 01, 2021

The present global economies are unable to ensure the subjects, employment, free education, free health, food, etc, though it is possible to ensure. The age old tradition of eating of small fish by the big fish is continuing. Hence these economies are not scientific and welfare economies. That is why these economies tremble even to a small gust of wind like the COVID-19 episode.

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Posted under: Economy
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The side effects of Unregulated Capitalist Political System (CPS) on society and economy

Mar 07, 2021

The unregulated business activities of capitalists are the major factors for human suffering. They are wasting the resources and causing damage to the ecosystem. These activities are leading to the accumulation of Wealth and Labour at selected places. State should become stronger and regulate it to save the civilisation.

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Posted under: Polity
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Feb 26, 2021

Family, the fundamental unit of Human Civilisation, is being deadly infected by the Capitalist Political System (CPS). This is leading to the serious disintegration of Family Institution. CPS is the system, in which unregulated/uncontrolled capitalists interfere in the affairs of the states politically worldwide. These capitalists globally are making the states dance on their finger tips. This CPS is infecting every organ of Human Civilisation that are family institution, economic system, education system, religion, etc.

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Posted under: Human Civilization
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Rational Individual Budget Driven Economy (RIBDE) for sustained and robust Economical Growth

Jan 08, 2021

The flow of wealth and labour should be uniform and rational. This will enable every nuke and corner of the economic system, to participate actively in the economic activity. If it happens so, sustained and robust economical growth can be ensured. The budget of every individual should be desingned in such a way that the wealth flows to the fields in proportion to the labour and population engaged in that field. This will enable all the individuals to actively engage in the economic activity. This will lead to astounding economical growth.

1024 Views    0 Likes     0 Comments
Posted under: Economy
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Scientific Religion to eliminate the religious threats to the mankind and for the sustained advancement of the civilisation

Jan 07, 2021

Human society can not be imagined without religion as long as the human intelligence fails to prove that "God does not exist". Under strong control and regulation of state, religion, not science, adds meaning to human life and supports the sustained advancement of human civiliastion.

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Posted under: Human Civilization Religion Science
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Brain economy to solve the unemployment problem in the world completely and boost the world economies

Dec 05, 2020

World unemployment problem can be solved completely and the world can register a double digit global GDP if the economies are designed in tune with the structures of human brains and education system and economy are in fast communication with each other.

1541 Views    1 Likes     1 Comments
Posted under: Economy Human Civilization Research
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How DC electric motor works

Aug 02, 2020

Electric motor is an important component in almost all the electric gadgets. One should know how it works. In this component electricity and magnetism both the concepts are used.

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Posted under: Engineering
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Jul 25, 2020

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Posted under: Human Civilization
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Why we should clean the hands with soap for at least twenty seconds to avoid Coronavirus infection?

Jul 11, 2020

The outer coating of Coronavirus is made up of proteins and fats. Since fats are soluble in soap, when we clean the hands with soap, the fats on the outer coating of the viruses on the hands, dissolve in soap and the outer coatings of the viruses are broken. This will lead to the death of the Coronaviruses. So the soap may be a normal one.

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Posted under: COVID 19
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Mathematicians Solve an Enduring '42' Problem Using massive parallel computing

Feb 05, 2020

Mathematicians have finally figured out the three cubed numbers that sums up to 42. This has solved a problem that has been pondered for more than 65 years. The problem is - can each of the natural numbers below 100 be expressed as the sum of three cubes?

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Posted under: Education Mathematics Research Science Software Technology
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Happy National Mathematics Day today on 22nd December to all my fellow Indians

Dec 22, 2019

Mathematics is a scientific language which takes humans into scientific imagination where even human mind can not reach. It paves the way to human mind to reach there. Srinivasa Ramanujan, being a legendary researcher, in this great subject, made the Indians hold their heads high in the world arena. This civilization has to salute him and pray to God to place his sole in rest in heaven.

1958 Views    1 Likes     1 Comments
Posted under: Mathematics
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Comprehensive Unique Identification Code (CUIC), a sure shot solution to stop rapes, murders, economic recessions, etc before hand.

Dec 19, 2019

A sure shot, easy and smart solution for all these problems, is Comprehensive Unique Identification Code (CUIC). This is a unique code allotted to every living, virtual and nonliving entity such as humans, business entities, corporates, automobile engines, motor cycles, cars, land plots, houses, villages, towns, cities, animals, etc. A primitive example for this code is the ADHAAR number in India. For every transaction of these entities, right from its birth till its death/disposal, this code will be needed. Even, in purchasing of a pinch of salt also, one will need this code. All these transactions are recorded digitally. This code/account will have the entire life time comprehensive history of the respective entity. A small software application installed in mobile phones can make it possible. In a single sentence, we can say that, the entire world will become hundred percent digital. As a result, a huge database is generated which can be exploited for all types of purposes such as in economy, education, scientific research, administration, health, etc. These databases will help humans in taking right, timely and rational decisions before hand to stop any man made undesirable happening in any field. This code can solve all the man-made human suffering which lie with in the human intelligence.

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A simple experimental verification of the midpoint theorem

Nov 26, 2019

The line segment joining the midpoints of the two sides of a triangle is parallel to the third side and will be half of it

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Posted under: Education
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How a gas geyser works and how to repair it.

Nov 25, 2019

Now we are heading towards severe winter. Gas geyser is the cheapest way to have warm baths in winter. If one knows how it functions, it is easy to do minor repairs and find new versions.

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Posted under: Engineering
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Visualize Gravity

Oct 15, 2019

A physics teacher in the USA Dan Burnes adapted a presentation explaining/visualizing Gravity. Using less than $100 of materials he has been able to explain a theory/force that stumps the best of us.

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Posted under: Science Space Technology
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Establishing communication with the Vikram lander of Chandrayan 2, is impossible (An individual logical opinion)

Sep 19, 2019

The Vikram lander lost the communication before it's touchdown on the surface of the moon. So it is wrong to say that only due to hard landing, the communication was lost. First, it happened due to the technical fault while Vikram lander was in its touch down trajectory and later, further damage might have been due the hard landing. Hence, if you want to restore the communication with the lander, the technical fault and the damage, if any, are to be corrected. That is not possible just by using IDSN (Indian Deep Space Network) or DSN (Deep Space Network of NASA). That can be possible, I think, only when any robot or human goes there and corrects them, which is impossible in this short period of time. So, it is mere waste of time, energy and resources to try for establishing communication with the lander.

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How a disk brake works in cars and motor cycles

Sep 17, 2019

Disk brakes are better and efficient when compared to the drum brakes in cars and motorcycles. One should know how it functions to repair it and innovate new versions.

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Posted under: Engineering
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A video for what is a manual clutch and how it works in cars/motorcycles

Sep 06, 2019

Clutch is a component in cars/motorcycles which helps in connecting and disconnecting the power of engine to the gear system and sometimes works as a break also. This video explains the functioning of it.

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Posted under: Engineering
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Imagination is better than knowledge!

Sep 01, 2019

Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution

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About the site

Sep 01, 2019

This site is completely a multidisciplinary research site

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Posted under: Research
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How a four stroke petrol engine works

Sep 01, 2019

This article explains you how a four stroke petrol engine works with the help of animated videos in Hindi and English.

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Posted under: Engineering
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Five unfinished inventions of the legendary scientist and engineering genius Nikola Tesla

Sep 01, 2019

An Austrian born American Scientist and engineering genius Nikola Tesla ( 1856 - 1943) was celebrated for his imagination. He was far far ahead in imagination than the present day scientists. Here is the video to explain the five unfinished inventions of him. Had he succeeded in these inventions, the present world have gone much ahead as we see in scientific fiction.

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Posted under: Science
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How a gearbox in cars/motorcycles works, a video

Sep 01, 2019

Gear box is an important component of any automobile. Suitable gears are needed to apply according to the speed of the vehicle for fuel efficiency. This video explains how a gear box works.

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Posted under: Engineering
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Know household electric wiring to do simple household electric repairs

Sep 01, 2019

Sometimes for a minor electrc repairs also, we wait hours together and sometimes days together for electrician to come and repair them. Because we know nothing about how electric wires are connected in your house. If we know how household electric wiring is done, we can do those minor repairs, save time and money but with proper safety measures. This video explains you how household electric wiring is done.

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Posted under: Household Management
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How drum brakes work in cars and motorcycles

Sep 01, 2019

We drive cars and motorcycles. But we should know how drum brakes work in them so that we can repair them on our own and this knowledge may pave way to new ideas.

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Posted under: Engineering