Thirupalu Feb 26, 2021 26:42 AM

Family, the fundamental unit of Human Civilisation, is being deadly infected by the Capitalist Political System (CPS). This is leading to the serious disintegration of Family Institution. CPS is the system, in which unregulated/uncontrolled capitalists interfere in the affairs of the states politically worldwide. These capitalists globally are making the states dance on their finger tips. This CPS is infecting every organ of Human Civilisation that are family institution, economic system, education system, religion, etc.


From the times immemorial, human civilization has crossed many a mile stone. As a result, a civilized human society has evolved on the earth. But the humans with their own negative activities are causing irreparable damage to human civilization.

The extinction of human species from the earth may occur. But that natural process of extinction will take at least some crores of years if any celestial accident whose stoppage is beyond human intelligence, does not happen. Celestial accidents may happen at any time. In my argument these celestial accidents are excluded.

The negative activities of humans are posing threats to the very existence of humans. Material resources which support human life are depleting day by day and uniform distribution of wealth and labor is being hampered and these are being collected at very few places. Knowledge resources are not being systematically exploited and harvested. Ignorance is leading to negative thinking.

Terrorism, global warming, unemployment, arms race, economic recessions, hunger deaths, malnutrition, suicides of farmers, uneducated citizenry, crime on women, suppression of human rights, diminishing of human values, unscientific education system, domestic violence,  attacking of one religion on the other, one race on the other, one country on the other, irrational exploitation of human, knowledge and material resources, imperialism, drugs and human trafficking, domestic violence, selling of human organs, etc are becoming the obstacles in the path of the advancement of

The glare of Terrorism

These threats are so gigantic that, if not checked, one or some or all can swallow the entire civilization at any time.

All these threats are just the side effects of the CPS (Capitalist Political System) - a system in which Capitalists greatly interfere in the affairs of the state and make it dance on their finger tips for their own selfish ends. This phenomenon itself is leading to the weak states worldwide. This phenomenon itself is infecting the every organ of the system of civilisation in order to collapse it.

Human life has become hell on the earth. Hardly anyone is happy on this earth. I want to put briefly how family, the fundamental unit of civilization, is affected by this phenomenon.


In a family, the head of the family has to fulfill multifarious responsibilities as a parent, as a son/daughter/daughter-in-law/son-in-law, as wife/husband, brother/sister, member in his/her community/caste/creed/society, etc.

One has to spend time to fulfill all these responsibilities and for himself/herself. A rational distribution of time should be one third of time for sleep, one third to earning and one third to fulfill all the other responsibilities.

But, the present conditions are such that, one is compelled to spend maximum time for earning livelihood.  One is hardly finding time for sleep. It has become a compulsion. Sometimes a spouse is also needed to work to make both ends meet. Due to this compulsion, children, elderly people, life partners are not getting their due care and they (Head of the families) are rarely finding time for their own self. 

The rules and regulations of corporates, business entities, even state departments, etc are framed such that the individuals working in them are just money making, money earning machines. Their irrational targets are putting the individuals to great stress and strain.

They do not consider the individuals as part of a family, community, society, caste, etc and provide the individuals only money and stress at the cost of the most valuable and enjoyable part of human life. “Make the boss happy” has become a top Mantra to do a job successfully.

Under these unscientific work culture and work environments, individuals do not find time for innovation and creativity which can be done, only with peace of mind and self respect, this is the reason for single digit world GDP.

Due to this busy schedule, the importance and recognition of attending and celebration of festivals, functions, traditional, religious and community gatherings, etc which renew the human relations, transfer the culture from one generation to the other, act as agencies of education for children and provide social health which provide psychological and physical health required to the individuals for leading a successful life, are slowly fading away. Other social conditions are also supporting individuals to prefer to live within the four walls of their homes.

As an aftermath, psychological disorders, social disorders, domestic violence, suicides, religious intolerance, etc are increasing in the individuals. The great sufferers of these odd prevailing conditions are the children and elderly people.

Individuals are crossing the borders of their countries in search of their livelihood, leaving behind their families. Individuals are somewhere, their children are somewhere, and their parents are somewhere craving for their care from their children in their debilitated old age.

But, at times, it is heartbreaking that their children do not attend even their funerals. Really, what a pitiable story is that of a human? Like this, the smallest unit is being disintegrated leading to many a problem. The cries of the elderly have become the cries in the wilderness.

How long will it happen? 

Now, the time has come to think, reflect and resurrect.


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