Golden opportunity for India to take back its lost territories from China and become world economic giant.
Sep 10, 2021
Now the entire world is against the dragon due to its Corona episode and expansionist philosophy. India has been the easy target for economical and geographical intrusion of China. Now it is the right time to India to take back its territories, collapse the Chinese economy by making the Indian products the alternatives for Chinese products in the world market and become the world economic giant.
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Virtual Economy Software (VES)
Sep 06, 2019
We can build a virtual economy software which mocks the economy with all constraints, conditions, etc. When the new policies are framed, before their implementation, these new policies may be tested on this software to know roughly, the after effects of the new policies on the economy, before hand. This will facilitate the economists, policymakers, etc to have corrections in their policies for better results. These days, when the complex animation software is possible to be built, why would not this software be possible? This will help to avoid economic recessions..
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