What is Homeopathy?

Thirupalu Jun 01, 2021 01:14 AM

Homeopathy treatment is considered to be a safe and natural way of curing the diseases. It works on the principle of law of similars that means like cures like.

Homeopathy treatment is considered to be a safe and natural way of curing the diseases.

The following are considered to be some of the merits of the homeopathy treatment.

  • It is natural,
  • It is safe,
  • It is cheaper when compared to the other ways of treament,
  • A single doctor can cure all the diseases,
  • The medicines are not bitter so that children and elderly can easily undergo the treatment without resistance,
  • A single medicine can cure all the simptoms,
  • It cures the chronic diseases,
  • It does not suppress the symptoms but roots out the disease deeply.

Though the principles of homeopathy treatment are not scientifically proven, it gained popularity globally due to the above merits.

An extract of an article about Homiopthy in a scientific journal can be had in the following link.




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