At this time, a movie by renowned director and producer, on the atrocities, inhuman activities of worldwide British Colonial Rule, may earn Ascar Awards.
Sep 06, 2019 06:11 PM
At this time, a movie by renowned director and producer, on the atrocities, inhuman activities of worldwide British Colonial Rule, may earn Ascar Awards.
The world humanity can never forget the wounds made by the most cruel British Colonial Rule.
The historians might have forgotten them. The Britishers might have succeeded in setting on fire the files, records, etc of these attrocities. But the world humanity can never forget these inhuman, uncivilized and barbarous activities of Britishers.
Millions of people in the British colonies died due to battles, wars, famines, massacres, starvation, etc. This number is unbelievably hundreds of times greater the number of people died in terrorism globally as on date.
Especially, India, which was, once famously called "The Golden Bird" for its riches, was completely ruined economically, culturally, religiously and socially. The present fate of India, is majorly due the British Colonial Rule.
These barbarous activities were really, a shame to the civilised human society.
The above photo is a photo of Indians in a famine under British Rule in India in 1940. The British Colonial rule was solely responsible for the fate of people in that famine.
The world humanity can never forget thaose atrocities, massacres, etc. The Worldwide British Colonial Rule can never be forgotten.
For more details click on the link Barbarous and inhuman activities of British Colonial Rule
If a movie is produced by a renowned director and a producer, I think it may earn Ascar Awards.